Thursday, December 30, 2010

Offset Objects To Current Layer

The new version of the offset command has some new features that are great. For example instead of having to offset a object and changing the line type and layer like you are used to let me show you something new (in case you don't already know).

The normal result of offsetting a object 25' looks like the following. It has the same characteristics of the parent object.

Let's say your current layer is setbacks and you are offsetting boundary lines to create your setback lines
To do this start the offset command and change the settings as follows; 1.Offset 2.L for layer 3. C for current

The end result should look like the following. The new offset object inherits the layer settings of the setback layer.

Layer Lock Fade

Some people like to see only the layer that they isolate. As a default
option with civil 3d 2011 the locked non-isolated layers are faded,
although you can control the degree of shading from 90 to -90
I prefer to not see those layers.
The solution is to start your layer isolate command and type in on the
command line "S" for settings and change the option to "off",

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Screen Flickering Problem

If you have just updated your Civil 3D to update one. you may have noticed your screen flickers. The fix is to look on the bottom right corner and diable the hardware accelerator.